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Selenium Compounds
Very few compounds of selenium have any important practical applications.
   Copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS)
   Lead(II) selenide
   Selenium Sulfide
   Selenium Diethyldithiocarbonate
   Zinc selenide
Copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) Cu(Ga,In)Se2
CIGS is a new semiconductor used mainly in photovoltaic cells (CIGS cells).
CIGS solar cells are not as efficient as crystalline silicon solar cells, but they are expected to be substantially cheaper. CIGS can be printed directly onto molybdenum coated glass sheets. Solar cells made from crystalline silicon are made of slices of solid silicon and require therefore more expensive semiconductor material.
Lead(II) selenide PbSe
A semiconductor used in the manufacture of infrared detectors for thermal imaging.
Selenium Sulfide SeS2
This compound is used to treat seborrhea, or "oily skin." It is sometimes added to shampoos for people with especially oily hair.
Selenium Diethyldithiocarbonate Se[SC(S)N(C2H5)2]4
Used as a vulcanizing, "toughening", agent for rubber products.
Zinc selenide ZnSe
A semiconductor material used to form blue light-emitting diodes and diode lasers.